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The Board of Trustees may, upon recommendation of the President or a member of the Board of Trustees, honor an individual, group of individuals, or an entity by naming a college property, program, or position after any of them in recognition of some significant meritorious service or philanthropic contribution to the college.  Any recommendation shall include a detailed description of the ways in which the nominee satisfies all the conditions and criteria set forth in the Procedures for Naming College Properties, Programs, and Positions.  Prior to approval of any recommendation, the Board of Trustees shall consider the best interests of the college and the community, the contribution(s) made, monetary and/or nonmonetary, and the use and purpose of the property, program, or position.

Policy Title: Naming College Properties, Programs, and Positions Policy 

Policy Category: Administration, Business and Fiscal Affairs 

Policy Owner: President 

Policy Administrator: Executive Director, Institutional Advancement & Foundation 

Contact Information: Vollie Melson;; 410-777-1494 

Approval Date: June 12, 2012 

Effective Date: June 12, 2012 

History: Adopted on December 11, 2001; Revised June 12, 2012 

Applies to: Board of Trustees 

Related Policies: N/A 

Related Procedures: Naming College Properties, Programs, and Positions Procedure 

Forms/Guidelines: N/A 

Relevant Laws: N/A